New Electoral College collection from HeinOnline

The Electoral College was established by Article II of the Constitution of the United States. It provides for electors from each state based on the state’s congressional representation. What this does, in effect, is prevent a few large states from controlling the presidency of the United States. In some cases, presidential candidates receiving a larger number of popular votes have lost because of this system, which has led to debate over whether the Electoral College should remain. Want to know more? Check out this Hein Online database!  

Find out more information on the Electoral College by searching the Hein Online database for hearings, committee prints, CRS and GAO reports, books, treatises and more.

Visit our Databases page and select U.S. Presidential Library to access the new collection.

New database from HeinOnline

Barry Law students now have access to the latest database from HeinOnline: Civil Rights and Social Justice.

Screenshot of Civil Rights and Social Justice database

HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans. Containing links to more than 500 scholarly articles, hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislation, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, this database allows users to educate themselves on the ways our civil rights have been strengthened and expanded over time, as well as how these legal protections can go further still. A varied collection of books on many civil rights topics and a list of prominent civil rights organizations help take the research beyond HeinOnline.

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Database Spotlight: HeinOnline

As we take further steps to move your law library into the future, you may notice some print titles on our shelves are no longer being updated. Some of our print journal subscriptions are ending this year. Never fear! We will never leave you deprived of vital information. We are shifting the focus of these subscriptions to their digital components. So where can you access these journals? HeinOnline is a great resource for journals and law reviews.

One way to access our eJournal holdings in HeinOnline is through our Serials Solutions portal. If you want to take that route — and perhaps find some other resources along the way — Shawn Blanchard created an excellent guide on how to use it. However, you can also get to HeinOnline directly through Weblaw.


To find the title you are looking for, access Electronic Resources from the Library & Information Services page on Weblaw. Scroll down and click on HeinOnline.


From here, the default option is to search by full text. If your query is a keyword search to find something on a particular topic, this will be very useful. The “Browse Collections” option below it may also be helpful for your search. However, if you know which title you are looking for, switch to the “Catalog Search” tab. From here, you have the options to search by title, publisher, subject, and a variety of other limiters. For this example, let’s say we’re looking for the UCLA Women’s Law Journal.


Your results will appear. Click on the title to see our holdings.



This page will show you which volumes we have access to online. For the UCLA Women’s Law Journal, we have each volume from 1991 to the present. Clicking on a volume or issue number will open up in-browser PDFs of the journal as it is printed.

HeinOnline is an excellent tool because it also includes ScholarCheck. ScholarCheck analyzes journals, articles, and authors for the most citations, guiding you to the most influential material on a subject. More information can be found in this handy guide.

The next time you need to access a journal, check HeinOnline! If you need help, your library staff and librarians are happy to assist you with our resources.